We provide the following communications to aid links between home and school. We are proud of this list but are always open to suggestions as to how we can improve things.
- Webster Weekly newsletter
- Arts Ambassadors Newsletter
- Parent App
- School Twitter feed
- School YouTube channel
- 2 x Parents Evenings each year
- Stay and Share sessions for parents in each class
- Regular Coffee Mornings
- The website has also been redesigned to be easier to navigate and to provide more information, particularly about what children are learning. Home Learning activities can be found here.
- We continue to provide a full time Family Support Worker, Hannah Mills, who provides a range of support services and will always provide an impartial ear to listen to any concerns.
- All teachers will also be delighted to make appointments to meet parents before or after school, as will the Principal or Head of School, whose doors are very much open.
- National Curriculum Overview for Parents- Click here.
Parent Partnership Award
We are currently working towards the Leading Parent Partnership Award:
Key Policies
- Anti Bullying- English, Arabic, Somali, Urdu
- Attendance- English, Arabic, Somali, Urdu
- Behaviour- English, Arabic, Somali, Urdu
- Homework- English, Arabic, Somali, Urdu
All other policies are available on the Policies page of this website.
Parent Survey results November 2023:
Support for Parents:
Introducing ParentLine
ChatHealth Parentline 0-5 is a confidential NHS text messaging service set up to support the parents, carers and families of under 5’s in Manchester with questions and queries about their health and wellbeing.
For more information visit the Manchester Local Care Organisation Health Visitors social media pages by following the links here:
Or visit the information page here: visit this page
Activities for the Autumn Term:
Parenting Tips
None of us are experts as parents. We all need help sometimes! The following leaflets offer some useful tips and advice:
- Helping young children manage feelings:
- If Children Tell Lies
- Misusing rewards
- Praising Children
- Rewarding Children
Learning Tips
There is much more information about our curriculum and learning on curriculum pages, but the links below contain some great ways in which you can develop your child's learning, by thinking about the way you talk to them and the questions you ask them.
- Show Me, Tell Me, Talk To Me
- The Ten Things You Can Say To Your Child...
- Questions For Children's Thinking (We love these!)
Further guidance for parents/carers:
- Parent/Carer Home-School Survival Toolkit from Healthy Schools Manchester
- Online Safety guides: Tik Tok, Facebook, Houseparty, Youtube, Minecraft & online learning tips for parents.
- 'We know this is a difficult time for most parents, but it is vital to ensure that your child is kept safe online. This link will take you to a page created by ‘ThinkUknow’. Here you can find support and resources specific to your child’s age group to help you learn about internet safety at home.
Black Lives Matter Parents Guide